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Our dealership team - Bentley Praha

Jiří Halousek
Jiří Halousek
Sales manager
00 420 724 110 657
Lukáš Vítek
Lukáš Vítek
Service Advisor
00 420 724 844 666
Georgy Vashenkov
Georgy Vashenkov
Service Advisor
00 420 735 160 961
Jan Horní
Jan Horní
Warehouse manager & Spare parts and Accessories specialist
00 420 724 844 669
Vojtěch Růta
Vojtěch Růta
00 420 725 835 625
Vlastimil Fric
Vlastimil Fric
Retailer Principle
00 420 724 135 905
Jindřich Adelt
Jindřich Adelt
Head of Service
00 420 735 160 919
Kateřina Macháčková
Kateřina Macháčková
Sales assistant
00 420 257 107 305
Roadside Assistance
Roadside Assistance
Bentley Motors
00 420 226 205 426
Roadside Assistance
Roadside Assistance
Bentley Praha
00 420 602 403 703